Buying direct from any our farmers is a fabulous way of knowing your produces provenance. It's ethical, sustainable, and of course, natural. And, you save money, reduce packaging and minimise waste. We'll always offer you a bag or two of bones, too. ... READ MORE...
Braised Sommerlad chicken with apricots, currants & tamarind
With the unique combination of sweet and sour from quality meat and dried fruit, this take on an Ottolenghi dish (originally published using quail) is typical of the Sephardi tradition of cooking. It is pretty special and can be placed in the middle ... READ MORE...
Just how much meat will you get?
When I buy meat in bulk or have an animal slaughtered... How Much Eating Meat Will I Get? There's no exact answer to this question! See, each animal is built differently. Animals, like people, come in varying shapes and sizes, even when ... READ MORE...
Beef Hanging Methods: The Art of Tenderising Through Stretching and Achilles Hanging
The tenderness of your meat can be attributed to the way the meat is hung rather than than the cut you choose. Natural factors, like age and breed, play a small part, the butcher does the rest. Let me tell you why. Just Hanging Out The process of ... READ MORE...
Sommerlad Heritage Chicken in Milk
Got Milk? Actually, yes - or go buttermilk and get a tartness to this that zings. An unusual sounding recipe for outstanding results. Jamie Oliver, King of cheffing naked, is well known for his stand on ethical produce and loyalty to farmers. ... READ MORE...